Here's a look at Week 17 of The 52 Project which is hosted by Jodi at Practising Simplicity. I'm very excited because I've finally put my 2015 Project 52 photos into a photo book and it's been printed and shipped. As soon as the book arrives and everything looks good I'll do my 2014 book. I love this project and it's great to think I have 2 years of personal portraits about their childhood in a photo book instead of stored away on my laptop where no one sees the pics so I'm very excited about it.
"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2016."
James : He finds it really relaxing reading in this position and it always makes me smile when I walk past his room.
Sienna : She wished we had a pool so I gave her a crate and the hose and she was happy.
That photo of Sienna has me in stitches. You gotta admire this girl ... (And her mum).