Sunday, January 4, 2015

1/52 - The 52 Project

Kicking off with my second year of The 52 Project and looking forward to having another set of great photos at the end of the year of James, Sienna and the three of us.

"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2015."

James  :   Blowing a lot of bubbles using a cup with chux cloth at the end and a rubber band to hold it on, then you dip the cup in dishwashing liquid and blow through the hole in the end of the cup.  He had lots of fun with this.  Using a disposable cup so you can put a hole in at the end to blow through

Sienna :   Making a worm farm so we can get rid of some scraps and make nice compost for the veggie gardens.  We got the idea from Little Eco Footprints.


  1. I'm thinking this lovely everyday approach would work well for couples too :).

    1. I agree this project is great for anyone. Kathy

  2. Great start to the year Kathy. Awesome to capture the kids engaged in their activities. xx

  3. Love the bubble blowing creativity and worm farm making:)
