Friday, January 30, 2015

5/52 - The 52 Project

Week 5 of The 52 Project which is hosted by the lovely Jodi at Practising Simplicity.

"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2015."

James  :   Heading off to a Birthday Party Sleep Over.
Sienna :   Making her Teepee which she covered in an old sheet and played in for ages.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

New York Times - No Knead Bread

This wonderful recipe for "no knead bread" has been around for a long time and in fact I first made it about 5 or 6 years ago.  Here's a link to a video if you are interested.  I don't often make it and I should make it more regularly.  I used to bake it in my "camp oven" which I take camping but last year I bought a dutch oven from Aldi for the sole purpose of making this bread.  I put the pot in the cupboard and didn't get around to making the bread for a few months and when I got the box out I realized that it couldn't be heated up at high temperatures due to the handle on the lid so I rang Aldi to talk to them about it explaining what I wanted to use it for and they said that the handle on the lid was not tested to past a certain temp so I didn't end up using it and it was past the date to return it to Aldi.   To cut a long story short, last week when my niece and nephew were visiting from Perth I decided to make the NYT No Knead Bread for the next evening and decided to use to dutch oven given there was a chance the handle on the lid might melt.  I cooked the bread, the lid didn't melt and I was very happy.  There is no other recipe I cook in the oven anyway that requires such a high heat like this bread so I was willing to risk and it was fine but obviously Aldi weren't going to cover the pot's on going use if used at high temperatures.

The bread was delicious with a crunchy crust on the outside and soft texture on the inside and you need a good bread knife to cut this loaf.  I also made a Sun Dried Tomato Dip to go with it and everyone enjoyed both.

The Sun Dried Tomato Dip was 250 gms Philadelphia cream cheese and 100 gms of sun dried tomatoes.  Just blitz the sundried tomatoes and then mix the cream cheese in with it and it's done.  This quantity made quite so I would probably just make half the recipe next time but it was delicious with the bread. My photos are quite blurry as my shutter speed was too slow and I was running late getting my hot bread over to my sisters but you get the idea.

My 23 year old niece loved it so much asked for the recipe and I explained to her that she can use one of her Mum's Corningware/Pyrex dishes with the lid to bake the bread.  I will be making this bread more often, just remembering to get the dough done the afternoon before we actually want to eat it.  It's so easy and everyone loves it.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

4/52 - The 52 Project

Week 4 of The 52 Project which is hosted by the lovely Jodi at Practising Simplicity.

"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2015."

James  :   Holiday games on the iPod inside.
Sienna :   Enjoying playing in the rain and splashing in small puddles outside.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

3/52 - The 52 Project

Week 3 of The 52 Project which is hosted by the lovely Jodi at Practising Simplicity.

"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2015."

James  :   Concentrating on walking down the small poles to the ground.
Sienna :   Pretending to be a Rock Star which had me in stitches from laughter. 
Family :   Using the self timer and squatting to fit into the picture.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Ten on Ten - January 2015

Last year I read a few posts of another photography project called "Ten on Ten" which is basically a way of capturing 10 photos in 10 hours on the 10th of the month.  The reason behind the project is here.  Anything to do with little photography projects capturing our lives has got to be good so along with "The 52 Project" for the second year I'm also going to be doing "Ten on Ten".  I only realized today that I missed the 10th yesterday so I'm playing catch up today and I've put a reminder in my phone for the 10th of each month.  Here's what our day looked like being our first Ten on Ten in January, 2015.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

2/52 - The 52 Project

Week 2 of The 52 Project which is hosted by the lovely Jodi at Practising Simplicity.

"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2015."

James  :   Ready for a swim and our first visit to this place.

Sienna :   She is my outdoors girl and was building a little sand fort for a tiny little frog she was playing with.

Family :   Using the self timer and resting the camera on our beach bag at the Dam.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

1/52 - The 52 Project

Kicking off with my second year of The 52 Project and looking forward to having another set of great photos at the end of the year of James, Sienna and the three of us.

"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2015."

James  :   Blowing a lot of bubbles using a cup with chux cloth at the end and a rubber band to hold it on, then you dip the cup in dishwashing liquid and blow through the hole in the end of the cup.  He had lots of fun with this.  Using a disposable cup so you can put a hole in at the end to blow through

Sienna :   Making a worm farm so we can get rid of some scraps and make nice compost for the veggie gardens.  We got the idea from Little Eco Footprints.