I'm joining in for the 6th year in Ali Edward's "Week in the Life" which I wrote about here. So all the photos have been taken now.....it's a huge undertaking and it's great to be able to look back on our week already. I look forward to seeing how Ail's book comes together. I'm not sure how I'm going to put my 2014 book together yet so for now my mission is to get my 2013 book finished and printed. It's half finished so that will be my mission between now and Christmas and also my December Daily from 2013 that's 70 percent finished. Here's what our Day 7 looked like which was Sunday.
Sustain is the cereal this week for James.
James spent 10 minutes setting up this popsicle stick explosion which was so much fun.
James took the last stick out and then it sets off a chain reaction of them going off which was so much fun to watch and it's so cool. Check out the many you-tube videos but
here's one for starters.
We picked up a "Y" branch on our BBQ at the bush yesterday so Sienna could try some "
branch weaving"
This was the start of the branch weaving.
James and Sienna checking out some more popsicle stick explosions on his iPod.
Time to make some toasted ham sandwiches for lunch.
Cooking the toasted sandwiches which were delicious, these ones had cheese on them as well.
Sienna made a cubby house in the backyard so she had somewhere to eat her lunch.
Tucked under her little cubby with a delicious lunch from Mummy.
Notes pinned to the study door which I walk past every time I go in there make me smile.
The paints that have been used and left outside by Sienna.
Time for bed and reading.
Time to read to Mummy.
In bed reading his new book from the Library.
James read on his own for 30 minutes then he read me a few pages.
Pocket Money is given out on the 1st of the month however I was a day late.
James gets $10 and Sienna gets $8.
This was taken on Monday (Day 1) however it showed the weather for most of the week of WITL.
Sunday is more ironing while watching Landline on TV. I don't mind doing the ironing with this programme on as it's always so interesting and I look forward to it every week. Straight after Landline is Gardening Australia I can get a good 1.5 hrs of ironing done without too much effort.