Sienna was born in Brisbane by c-section at 3.05 pm on the 27th February, 2006. She weighed 3671 gms (8lb 1 oz)
James who is 2 years and 3 months old meeting his new little sister 2 hours after she was born.
Here she is on the morning of her 8th Birthday with homemade waffles and ice cream with Owl candles.
James who is 2 years and 3 months old meeting his new little sister 2 hours after she was born.
Sienna is thoughtful, caring and has a great sense of humor. She loves animals and crafting, cooking and makes me laugh a lot. She leaves beautiful little notes for me in places I don't expect like on my shopping list there will be an "I love you Mum with a little heart". I will find little notes on our Menu Blackboard when I least expect it and burst out laughing. She handles her own "time out" and has done so ever since she was little. If she was cranky with her brother she would rouse on him and then go stand in a corner with her arms crossed not looking at him until she calmed down. It is such a good technique to have and at times particularly when she was very little it was the funniest sight to watch. I have a picture of her in her swimming togs and goggles and she had her arms folded and was facing the fence away from with only her head turned around looking over with the crankiest look on her face. I had to race inside and get the camera because she was clearly annoyed but looked ever so cute in the swimmers and goggles but with this cranky face and folded arms business happening.
This little girl has brought such joy to our family and I love being her mother.
Here she is on the morning of her 8th Birthday with homemade waffles and ice cream with Owl candles.