Saturday, August 27, 2011

What kids see....

Last week for some reason we seemed to get stuck at one traffic light close to our house near the local shopping centre. We were sitting in the car and Sienna said "look at the doggie mummy" to which I looked over and thought where on earth is the dog. She then pointed out that the tree looked like a doggie running and indeed it did. On this particular day it was a little windy so the leaves moved like the doggie's legs were running.

A few days later I had my camera in the car with me but I could only take a photo further over to the left from the best angle to see the outline of the doggie as you can imagine, traffic lights never stop for you when you want them to stop so I snapped this in the turning lane when no one was behind me. You are looking at the dog with it's head on the right with an open mouth. He has 4 legs and a tail on the left and pricked up you see it like we do?

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