Week 12 of The 52 Project which is hosted by the lovely Jodi at Practising Simplicity.
"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2015."
James : What a day, he came off his bike (straight over the handlebars) on the way to school and ended up with a fractured collar bone and a fractured wrist. He is smiling because this was actually 6 hours after the event as it was a different story when I went to collect him at 9 am he was in shock, pale and shaking and in tears for about an hour and in a lot of pain with his shoulder. We were having a laugh at how silly he looked with two slings. One sling (the wrist) can come off tomorrow but the cast is on for 4 weeks. He's in good spirits however it's just makes doing the simple things slightly more challenging. He hit the front brakes going down a hill by mistake and flipped the bike. I said to him that he'll only need to learn that lesson once and he agreed.
Sienna : Heading off to her school camp which was at a farm and camping in tents. She had a great time and was very excited to tell us yesterday all about it.