We had a very busy day yesterday starting at 9 am and basically being in and out of the house right up until 7 pm which included a kids 3 hour drama workshop, baking and icing a banana cake, a trip to the library, chemist and grocery shop and visiting a friend. It was full on and by the time we went to bed we were exhausted. I was watching TV at 9 pm and was nodding off and couldn't keep away any longer. I had decided that today, being Sunday we would stay at home and do absolutely nothing. When I, as a mother say, "absolutely nothing" that means, spend and hour and a half sorting out the garage, washing and pegging two loads of washing including stripping the bed sheets off all the beds, ironing (haven't gotten to that yet), feeding the family and generally answering all those mother/kid related questions every 5 minutes like "is it morning tea time, what's for lunch, can we ride out scooters on the road, can I have an ice block, can I have my iPod, can I pay x-box, etc. etc. those sort of "do nothing days at home".
Last week we bought some organic sausages from the markets which I had thawed out for dinner last night but decided to have them today instead. Around midday I decided we should get out of the house for an hour or so and have a BBQ lunch at
Bellbird Grove. As Sienna is on crutches we can't go very far but I just wanted some fresh air, big trees and a bit of nature to break up our day. I packed really lightly:- ice water, orange juice, loaf of bread, the sausages, sauce, one knife, one set of tongs, a few sheets of paper towels, camera, plastic plates and cups and off we went just a 10 minute drive from home.
There was lots of wildlife spotting today and when we got there we saw 3 kookaburras and James was thrilled to be able to cook the sausages. We ate our lunch while playing eye-spy and then Sienna spotted a really big lizard which the kids followed around for about 10 minutes or so and then we packed up and came home. It was so lovely just to get out for an hour and a half so close to home and then it was back to pegging the other sheets on the line which were still in the washing machine, unpacking the lunch stuff and I made the kids sit down and watch a DVD as Sienna needed to rest her foot. So basically we had a "stay at home day" with the exception of a lovely bit of nature and organic sausages for lunch. Here's some memories from today. There is nothing like a bit of nature to make you feel good and the kids agreed. Check out all the wildlife we saw in our one hour visit. Linking up with Emma at The Beetle Shack for
Weekly Stills Collection.
Kookburra's which are Australian Native Birds.
The newly nicknamed "Hoppy" after rolling her ankle this week playing at school.
James wanting to cook the sausages on the BBQ instead of me.
Sienna had no problem chasing this
bush turkey while she was on crutches which was quite comical to watch.
I love the tall trees at Bellbird Grove.
A detailed map of
D'Aguilar National Park where Bellbird Grove is situated.
Sienna spotted this
Monitor Lizard so the kids followed it around for about 10 minutes. We think it could be pregnant because it has a big belly that was low to the ground.
James indicating to Sienna to keep still.
I don't know who was watching who more closely. The kids watching the lizard or the lizard watching the kids. I was watching all of them.
James keeping an eye on the monitor lizard from on top of the table.
Now it was wandering off to another area of the park but they followed it for a little bit longer, it's to the left of them.
And a family portrait before we go using the self timer.
And little "Hoppy" making her way to the car.
I made her stop because I liked the lighting....she's very good to me like that.