Sunday, December 28, 2014

52/52 - The 52 Project

This is Week 52 of this photography project.  "The 52 Project" was started Jodi from Practising Simplicity a few years ago.  She photographed her children each week for a year and then the following year invited people to join in with her.  You can read about how to put these photos into a book here and I for one will be looking forward to doing that.  Here's a look at the final week.

"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2014."

James  :   Playing with his new remote control robot called "Meccano Spykee" he got from Santa.

Sienna :   Only on Christmas Day would she be allowed to ride her new bike indoors at 5.26 am.  Santa brought her just wanted she wanted.

Family  :   Christmas Eve photo shoot with the kids.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

51/52 - The 52 Project

Linking up with Jodi at Practising Simplicity for Week 51 of a Portrait of your child for 52 weeks.  I'll have to try and get in another photo of the three of us next week as I've managed to get a family photo of us about 28 times this year.  I didn't want the pressure of once a week and went with the get more when you can which worked beautifully.  I can't wait to put these into a photo book in the new year.

"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2014."

James  :   Researching toys for boys aged 11 to put on his Santa letter.

Sienna :   She spent the afternoon writing her letter to Santa including every word alternated between red and green, so sweet.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

50/52 - The 52 Project

Linking up with Jodi at Practising Simplicity for Week 50 of a Portrait of your child for 52 weeks.

"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2014."

James  :   Playing the guitar beneath the Birthday Bunting still up and the Christmas Tree.

Sienna :   In "The Green Room" at school where she made part of her iPad "Music Video"

Saturday, December 6, 2014

49/52 - The 52 Project

Linking up with Jodi at Practising Simplicity for Week 49 of a Portrait of your child for 52 weeks.  Getting close to the end now and then I'll make up a photo book with the pictures.

"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2014."

James  :   Putting up Christmas Decorations on our tree. I'm so proud of James as he is now School Vice Captain for 2015 so it's been a big week for our family.

Sienna :   She made a long telephone device with wool and two cups and after she was finished she shortened it to put over her head.  She was so funny with her expressions, I just love this photo.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

48/52 - "The 52 Project"

Linking up with Jodi at Practising Simplicity for Week 48 of a Portrait of your child for 52 weeks.  I can't believe there are only 4 more weeks to go of this project.  I will definitely do this again next year and while I'm taking photos most days of my children and our lives these photos were focused on what "child like" things the kids were doing or into rather than just a portrait of them each week.

"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2014."

James  :   Turned 11 this week and also did a speech to the whole school applying for school captain which is a huge deal. 

Sienna :   This made me laugh watching her tippy toe to sneak up on the chickens to catch them.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

47/52 - "The 52 Project"

Linking up with Jodi at Practising Simplicity for Week 47 of a Portrait of your child for 52 weeks.

"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2014."

James  :   With his new chicken "Diamond"
Sienna :   With her new chicken "Snowflake"
Family :   Keeping cool at Sandgate on a hot day.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

46/52 - "The 52 Project"

Linking up with Jodi at Practising Simplicity for Week 46 of a Portrait of your child for 52 weeks.

"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2014."

James  :   James doing a drawing for a birthday card for his interstate cousin.

Sienna :   Enjoying the Water Dragon Lizard that has been out in the backyard every morning.                     We also have a baby one running around as well.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

45/52 - "The 52 Project"

Linking up with Jodi at Practising Simplicity for Week 45 of a Portrait of your child for 52 weeks.

"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2014."

James  :   James worked on setting up this popsicle explosion for 10 minutes and when you pull the last stick out it's so cool.  I wrote about it here.

Sienna :   Trying her hand at some branch weaving.

Family :   Family portrait taken on a little bush walk.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Week in the Life 2014 - Day 7

I'm joining in for the 6th year in Ali Edward's "Week in the Life" which I wrote about here.    So all the photos have been taken's a huge undertaking and it's great to be able to look back on our week already.  I look forward to seeing how Ail's book comes together.  I'm not sure how I'm going to put my 2014 book together yet so for now my mission is to get my 2013 book finished and printed.  It's half finished so that will be my mission between now and Christmas and also my December Daily from 2013 that's 70 percent finished.  Here's what our Day 7 looked like which was Sunday.

Sustain is the cereal this week for James.

James spent 10 minutes setting up this popsicle stick explosion which was so much fun.

James took the last stick out and then it sets off a chain reaction of them going off which was so much fun to watch and it's so cool.  Check out the many you-tube videos but here's one for starters.

We picked up a "Y" branch on our BBQ at the bush yesterday so Sienna could try some "branch weaving"

This was the start of the branch weaving.

James and Sienna checking out some more popsicle stick explosions on his iPod.

Time to make some toasted ham sandwiches for lunch.

Cooking the toasted sandwiches which were delicious, these ones had cheese on them as well.

Sienna made a cubby house in the backyard so she had somewhere to eat her lunch.

Tucked under her little cubby with a delicious lunch from Mummy.

Notes pinned to the study door which I walk past every time I go in there make me smile.

The paints that have been used and left outside by Sienna.

Time for bed and reading.

Time to read to Mummy.

In bed reading his new book from the Library.

James read on his own for 30 minutes then he read me a few pages.

Pocket Money is given out on the 1st of the month however I was a day late.
James gets $10 and Sienna gets $8.

This was taken on Monday (Day 1) however it showed the weather for most of the week of WITL.

Sunday is more ironing while watching Landline on TV.  I don't mind doing the ironing with this programme on as it's always so interesting and I look forward to it every week.  Straight after Landline is Gardening Australia I can get a good 1.5 hrs of ironing done without too much effort.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Week in the Life 2014 - Day 6

I'm joining in for the 6th year in Ali Edward's "Week in the Life" which I wrote about here.  Here's what our Day 6 looked like.

Morning coffee, waiting for the kettle to boil.

Early morning TV and allowable lolly pops from Halloween (once a year).

Family BBQ to a local bush reserve.

James and Sienna went for a little bush walk with their cousin.

Off on their walk.

Time for a family photo in the bush.

The kids wanted to walk a little further than I did so I headed back and used the self timer on this one.

Lots of Kookaburra's in the trees.

Hot and bothered but eating a yummy sausage, onion and tomato sauce in a bread roll.

Lunch is good.

Some cold watermelon to finish off lunch.

Sienna was looking at the birds on the ground.

Afternoon unwinding with the iPod and you-tube.

Afternoon unwinding watching a DVD.

Halloween Treats consumed while watching the DVD.

Afternoon light on the back of the couch.

We have time limits on these devices so there was another 30 mins left before the iPod was put away.

This was after James and Sienna were playing with these sticks to make "stick explosions" however with the G20 on I decided that using the 2nd word was probably not appropriate so we renamed them "stick tricks".  Look up the first title on you-tube, awesome fun.