Sunday, December 29, 2013


This is the last Weekly Stills for 2013 which I have been linking up with Emma at The Beetle Shack.  This week includes a lot of our Christmas Festivities and these are only a handful of the photos.

Santa has been and filled the toy sacks with wonderful gifts for James and Sienna.

James and Sienna got exactly what they wanted from Santa which was a Skateboard for James and a Ukulele for Sienna.  They were both so happy with these gifts.

Presents everywhere and this was only 5.15 am on Christmas morning.

River Cottage Australia DVD which my sister Lisa gave me.  The kids and I were so excited to watch this as we don't have Foxtel.  It's filmed in Tilba which is 5 hours out of Sydney and is close to the sea and farmland.  I loved every minute of it and the community spirit shone through as well.

We made some organic popcorn the old fashioned way with a saucepan and some coconut oil instead of the microwave stuff.  So much better for you and tastes great as well.

The Christmas Pom Pom Garland the kids made this year hangs proudly on the TV cabinet.

This is how I found Sienna asleep the other night.  Hands over the sides and feet on the wall.  I took the photo and then went and adjusted her to lie lengthwise on the bed.

Boxing Day Table Setting for all the family at our place.

Lunch is served.

Help yourself to our very famously Australian Christmas.  Leg ham, fresh prawns and salads.

Mum with her handbag doubling up as a cast of wine.  Actually it's a cask of wine that looks like a handbag.  This is Brown Brothers Moscato that looks very fancy and not at all like a cheap cask of wine.  Mum was very excited to bring this along to our luncheon.  In fact Brown Brothers Moscato is my favourite wine.

Aunty Tricia baked some gingerbread biscuits which are always well received.

 An assortment of Christmas Slices made by myself and my two sisters and we had plenty to chose from this year.

A present from Mum which was awesome.  A Cheese Making kit which makes about 6 different cheeses and it turns into 6kgs of cheese.  Mum buys the same gift for all her daughters (myself and my 2 sisters in Brisbane) and I think my sister in Perth got something different as Mum didn't think she would have time to be making cheese however when she found out what we got she said she would have loved it.  Top present and we are thrilled to bits with it.

Sienna, James and I bundled up with our presents to go home.  I always bring our gifts in our wash basket and then we go home with a wash basket full of makes things easy this way to carry everything in one go to the car.  Magic was a bit hit again this year on the gift circuit.

James opening his gift of a Magic Book from Aunty Michelle, Uncle Graham, Cassandra, Naomi and Daniel from Perth.  Thrilled to bits.

Happy as - more magic tricks and books.  He was right into the magic last Christmas so it's good that he's still into it this year so everyone knew what to get him.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Looking back on past Christmas Eve Photo Shoots

I love looking back on photos and when you can see the kids doing the same thing each year you really get a sense that these kids of mine are growing up fast.  Here's a look back on our Christmas Eve Photo Shoots for 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012.

Christmas Eve Photo Shoot 2009

Christmas Eve Photo Shoot 2010

Christmas Eve Photo Shoot 2011

Christmas Eve Photo Shoot 2012

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Eve

Well another Christmas Eve is here and this is the 3rd one in this house.  Today we visited friends, bought some groceries, made rice salad and home made ice cream, did our traditional Christmas Eve Photo Shoot and Santa letters are in the letter box.  Sienna has two since she has revised her original list.  We watched a Christmas DVD "The Flight Before Christmas".  We read "Twas the Night Before Christmas" Aussie Style before putting out some milk and slice for Santa.  The kids are so excited and it was hard to get them to settle into bed.  James kept sneaking out and hiding in the toy room to get a glimpse of Santa however at 8pm it's a bit early for Santa.  Sienna on the other hand was happy to go to sleep and I warned them both not to get up too early.  I know what they are like on birthdays (4 am or so) so when I said to Sienna "now don't get up too early" she replied with "oh, does it have to be in the 5's".  I nearly started laughing because it was so matter of fact and it was such a cute way to say it.  I said I would prefer the "6's" however I know that's not going to happen.  We'll probably get up at 5 am and see what Santa brought and then Mummy will go back to bed for some more beauty sleep.  Here's a few photos from our day.

Sienna changing the number of sleeps until Santa comes to 1.

Visiting friends and a few photos this morning.

Christmas Rice Salad is made.

We do this Christmas Photo Shoot in front of the tree every Christmas Eve for the past 6.

Sienna with Mummy.

And a group shot.

Opening presents from the Melbourne relatives today...who needs presents when you can be silly playing with the gift wrap.

The Flight before Christmas DVD we watch every year.

Letters are posted in our letter box awaiting Santa tonight.

Santa gets one of the yummy pieces of slice I made yesterday and some milk and a note from Sienna.

Ready for Santa's arrival.