Today I did a lot of running around from place to place which started off by taking Mum to the airport mid morning then headed to Officeworks for some stationery since I was over that way. After that I popped into Recollections to collect some handles I had ordered for my kitchen cupboards and then stopped for some petrol. I took a photo noting the price of petrol in 2011. Last year's WITL I also photographed the cost of petrol as well. I made sure I was no wear near the petrol pumps as you aren't allowed to use camera's or mobile phones which can cause sparks (I'm sure there is a more technical reason for this safety) however I walked over to the footpath to take the picture.
After that I popped into our local local shopping centre to do some banking and headed home. At the usual time I collected the kids from school and we bought some sticky buns for afternoon tea (a rare treat as it's not something we would normally eat too often) and then the kids had their one hour of x-box activity while I made spaghetti bolognese for dinner. That's Friday's pictures and I only have 2 more days to document before going back to my "photo a day for 2011". It will be exciting to put all theses photos and words together next week showing a snapshot in our lives in 2011.