Friday, July 29, 2011

WITL - Day 5

Today I did a lot of running around from place to place which started off by taking Mum to the airport mid morning then headed to Officeworks for some stationery since I was over that way. After that I popped into Recollections to collect some handles I had ordered for my kitchen cupboards and then stopped for some petrol. I took a photo noting the price of petrol in 2011. Last year's WITL I also photographed the cost of petrol as well. I made sure I was no wear near the petrol pumps as you aren't allowed to use camera's or mobile phones which can cause sparks (I'm sure there is a more technical reason for this safety) however I walked over to the footpath to take the picture.

After that I popped into our local local shopping centre to do some banking and headed home. At the usual time I collected the kids from school and we bought some sticky buns for afternoon tea (a rare treat as it's not something we would normally eat too often) and then the kids had their one hour of x-box activity while I made spaghetti bolognese for dinner. That's Friday's pictures and I only have 2 more days to document before going back to my "photo a day for 2011". It will be exciting to put all theses photos and words together next week showing a snapshot in our lives in 2011.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

WITL - Day 4

Today's' activities captured on film (or shall I say my CF card) consisted off trying out a recipe for home made laundry liquid, lots of ironing, hanging around after school at the playground waiting our turn for parent/teacher interview. I also snapped a few pictures of James room and his new world map with his name on it, my current cookbooks and my beautiful shoes I was wearing this afternoon at school pickup.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

WITL Day 3

Day 3 consisted of a load of washing and hanging it out to dry in the sun. It was a beautiful Brisbane day outside however I inside was another story and I was freezing. Mid morning my new fridge arrived from Harvey Norman and was put in place. We already had a great fridge however it was a double fridge and it wouldn't fit in the space so I had to get a new one. The kids think the new fridge is awesome and I said it's the same one as Aunty Lisa's except our's doesn't have ice and water. Sienna said "it's better than Aunty Lisa's" which I thought was funny because it the same model but both kids gave me the thumbs up on the new fridge so smiles all around. Also got around to watching Erin Cobb's "Clean Colour" video today which is all about editing in photoshop. Not finished with the video but nice to do something like that.

This afternoon we went to the park after school with some school friends and James tested out the new $3 cricket bat set. Seriously it costs about $2.50 to buy a coke and I can buy a wooden bat, wickets and a rubber ball for $3 (go figure....) The painted building is the toilet block at the park which is like an Enchanted Garden with little shop fronts and mushrooms that tell stories etc. We haven't been there for a very long time so it was good to go this afternoon so that's what our Day 3 looked like. Loving seeing everyone else's WITL on their blogs too.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

WITL - Day 2

Since I was uploading my pictures I thought I would post the day's pictures before our bedtime routine of teeth and books. The day's activities included Sienna's ducky needing a wash in the washing machine and sun baking out the backyard to get dry. Those photos are pretty funny I think. Other things included collecting the eggs (one at a time) from Coco and Fluffy. Making anzac biscuits (much flatter than I normally make them for some reason but they taste okay). Tuesday is $1 DVD's so we returned the ones we borrowed last week and got some new ones.

WITL Day 1

Today's WITL started with me sleeping in and waking up at 7.36am (OMG) there was breakfast to be had, lunches to be made, clothes to be ironed (didn't feel like it on Sunday), hair to be brushed, photos to be taken all in 30 mins.... I did start with a good mix of pictures for day 1 and here's a few of them. Making lunches, school drop off (dress up in your favourite colour for school today which is why they aren't in school uniforms), making pumpkin soup. Getting into the car after school, parked in our favourite spot (everyone's got one) playing out the back pushing each other along.

I've purchased the 2011 template of Ali's to do as I like to go along with what's on offer. Not overly fussed on the colours but I might be able to change those if need be in photoshop. I definitely like the idea of photos and journalling this week and putting it together next week otherwise the project becomes to daunting I think. Sharon, glad you can see my blog and Di if my pages come out alright I would love to pop them on the new scrapbooking blog.